Supreme Pastor of the Church Cares for the Hungarian Church: Church Architecture of the Hungarian Church During the First Decade of John Paul II’s Papacy


  • Gréta Garai
    Faculty of Architecture, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
  • Zorán Vukoszávlyev
    Department of History of Architecture and Monument Preservation, Faculty of Architecture, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary


One of the first longer letters of Pope John Paul II was addressed to the Hungarian Episcopacy and the Hungarian Catholics. Besides the traditional Polish-Hungarian friendship, he highlighted the person of Saint Stephen and the role of Hungary in the history of the Christian religion. “  […] the Catholic Church, which had such a significant role in the history of Hungary, can still pervade the spiritual image of your country, and can make the lightness of Jesus Christ’s gospel, that gave light to the sons of the Hungarian people during so many centuries, shine for your sons and daughters.”- wrote in his letter.


space concept, centre of the community, centralised plan, diagonal plan, auditorium plan

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How to Cite

Garai, G., Vukoszávlyev, Z. (2017) “Supreme Pastor of the Church Cares for the Hungarian Church: Church Architecture of the Hungarian Church During the First Decade of John Paul II’s Papacy”, Periodica Polytechnica Architecture, 48(1), pp. 53–57.


