ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ УНИФИКАЦИЯ В СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВЕ. Tehnologičeskaâ unifikaciâ v stroitel'stve


  • L. S. Alešina


Тhе рареr deals with technological unification in the building industry. Тhе structure of technological unification is discussed, based оn the interrelation of the parameters of the fabricated sections and production, оn the unification of section parameters depending оn their effect оn the value in use оf the buildings, and finally оn evaluation indexes allowing to select the best suited alternative among the compared versions.

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How to Cite

Alešina, L. S. (1989) “ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ УНИФИКАЦИЯ В СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВЕ. Tehnologičeskaâ unifikaciâ v stroitel’stve”, Periodica Polytechnica Architecture, 33(1-2), pp. 91–101.


