ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ НЕЛИНЕЙНОГО ПРОГРАММИРОВАНИЯ ДЛЯ ПРОЕКТИРОВАНИЯ ОПТИМАЛЬНОГО ПОПЕРЕЧНОГО СЕЧЕНИЯ ЖЕЛЕЗОБЕТОННЫХ КОНСТРУКЦИЙ. Primenenie nelinejnogo programmirovaniâ dlâ proektirovaniâ optimal'nogo poperečnogo sečeniâ železobetonnyh konstrukcij


  • Nguen Khac Buí


Non-linear programming for the optimum design of reinforced concrete cross sections. Structural design problems leading to non-linear programming have been discussed. An improved algorithm has been developed for solving the non-linear programming program, applied for examples taken from the domain of reinforced or prestressed concrete structures. In these problems the algorithm was found to be very efficient.

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

How to Cite

Buí, N. K. (1983) “ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ НЕЛИНЕЙНОГО ПРОГРАММИРОВАНИЯ ДЛЯ ПРОЕКТИРОВАНИЯ ОПТИМАЛЬНОГО ПОПЕРЕЧНОГО СЕЧЕНИЯ ЖЕЛЕЗОБЕТОННЫХ КОНСТРУКЦИЙ. Primenenie nelinejnogo programmirovaniâ dlâ proektirovaniâ optimal’nogo poperečnogo sečeniâ železobetonnyh konstrukcij”, Periodica Polytechnica Architecture, 27(3-4), pp. 171–180.


