Meta-level performance management of simulation: The problem context retrieval approach


  • László Muka
  • Borbála Katalin Benkő


This paper introduces an approach for meta-level performance management of simulation. The paper focuses on the efficiency of modelling and simulation of organisational ICT and related BP systems. The analysis of these systems is essential for the analysis and design of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems. Projects initiated for the simulation of these systems frequently lead to the use of complex models with a high computing capacity requirement (showing the importance of efficiency) and typically, they are executed in a changing problem context environment. The performance management approach proposed by the paper provides methodological support for problem context transitions based on the models of changing problem contexts and on the set of efficiency principles (taking into account the efficiency of transitions too) together with a formal information retrieval based model of efficiency. This efficiency model takes into account both short- and long-term efficiency requirements, namely the efficiency of each step and the efficiency of the whole simulation process.


meta-level performance manegement, dynamic problem context, information-retrieval based model of efficiency, efficiency of simulation

How to Cite

Muka, L., Benkő, B. K. “Meta-level performance management of simulation: The problem context retrieval approach”, Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering, 55(1-2), pp. 53–64, 2011.


