ГИБКОЕ АВТОМАТИЗИРОВАННОЕ ПРОИЗВОДСТВО (ГАП) МИКРОСБОРОК (МСБ). Gibkoe avtomazirovannoe proizvodstvo (GAP) mikrosborok (MSB)
In оuг days the most important task оf technologists consists in elastic automatization оf manufacturing processes. Within its fгаmе, preparation оf manufacture, the principles and methods оf designing technological processes will change significantly, together with the degree of detailing the elaboration оf technological declsions. Since in the case оf automated design the quality оf decisions connected with the planned technology - particularly in the case оf elastic manufacturing systems - must satisfy great demands, the practice оf optimation of technological processes must bе developed. The рарег deals with some approaches to such optimation.
How to Cite
Glušenko, A. A., Kurejčik, V. M. “ГИБКОЕ АВТОМАТИЗИРОВАННОЕ ПРОИЗВОДСТВО (ГАП) МИКРОСБОРОК (МСБ). Gibkoe avtomazirovannoe proizvodstvo (GAP) mikrosborok (MSB)”, Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering, 32(2-4), pp. 165–179, 1988.