АНАЛИЗ ПОГРЕШОСТЕЙ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИК АКУСТОЭЛЕКТРОННЫХ ФИЛЬТРОВ НА ОСНОВЕ МЕТОДА МОНТЕ-КАРЛО. Analiz pogrešostej harakteristik akustoelektronnyh fil'trov na osnove metoda Monte-Karlo


  • S. S. Rupkus,
  • V. P. Markâvičůs,
  • A. V. Nâvârauskas,


А general formulation based оn Monte Сагlо method fог defects in electrode раtteгп of surface acoustic wave (SA W) transducer is derived and а method is given to determine the scattering of transfer functions of SA W fiIters due to technological defects. These defects mostly affect the forms and the maximum values of the side lobes in the stop band of the transfer functions. Computed results аге also presented.

How to Cite

Rupkus, S. S., Markâvičůs, V. P., Nâvârauskas, A. V. “АНАЛИЗ ПОГРЕШОСТЕЙ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИК АКУСТОЭЛЕКТРОННЫХ ФИЛЬТРОВ НА ОСНОВЕ МЕТОДА МОНТЕ-КАРЛО. Analiz pogrešostej harakteristik akustoelektronnyh fil’trov na osnove metoda Monte-Karlo ”, Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering, 27(1), pp. 67–75, 1983.


