BOOll REVIEW - BUCHBESPRECHUNG. Butenin. N. V.: Elements of the Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations. Aizerman, M. A. , Gantmacher, F. R.: Absolute Stability of Regulator Systems. Dean, K. J.: Digital Instruments. Modern Electrical Studies.


  • F. Csáki
  • Svetlana Benedikt

How to Cite

Csáki , F., Benedikt, S. “BOOll REVIEW - BUCHBESPRECHUNG. Butenin. N. V.: Elements of the Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations. Aizerman, M. A. , Gantmacher, F. R.: Absolute Stability of Regulator Systems. Dean, K. J.: Digital Instruments. Modern Electrical Studies”., Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering, 10(1), pp. 81–83, 1966.


