A test suite conversion method: from interoperability test to conformance test


  • Sarolta Dibuz
  • Péter Krémer


In this paper we propose a method for easier creation of conformance test suites. Instead of a formal description of a protocol, our method needs an interoperability test suite. The conformance test suite in this method is constructed by re-using parts of an existing test suite. We have used a test suite for OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) routing protocol to present our method through an example. We describe how the interoperability test suite and the conformance test suite for the same protocol look like. Then we construct the re-using method by comparing these test suites and by identifying the re-usable parts. We also investigate the resulted test suite to find out the goodness of the conversion. Finally, we compare the coverage of two conformance test suites that are based on the same test purposes and one of them was created by this conversion method.


interoperability test, conformance test, TTCN-3, test suite conversion

How to Cite

Dibuz, S., Krémer, P. “A test suite conversion method: from interoperability test to conformance test”, Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering, 51(1-2), pp. 11–19, 2007. https://doi.org/10.3311/pp.ee.2007-1-2.02


