Comprehensive Processing of Vanadium-Containing Black Shale Tailings


  • Viktor Shevko
    Department of Metallurgy, Higher School of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Mukhtar Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Tauke Khan avenue 5, 160012 Shymkent, Kazakhstan
  • Dosmurat Aitkulov
    National Center on Complex Processing of Mineral Raw Materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Zhandosov st. 67, 050036 Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Alexandra Badikova
    Department of Metallurgy, Higher School of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Mukhtar Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Tauke Khan avenue 5, 160012 Shymkent, Kazakhstan


This article examines results of the thermodynamic modeling of interaction of the briquetted tailings obtained at hydrometallurgical leaching of the vanadium-containing quartzites (black shales) with carbon and iron, determination of Si, V, Fe, C equilibrium distribution and optimal conditions for the formation of various grades of ferrosilicon, as well as the electric melting to produce silicon alloys. The research techniques were the method of thermodynamic modeling using the HSC-6.0 software package (Outokumpu), the second-order rotatable designs (Box-Hunter plans) and electrofusion in an arc furnace. It was established that an increase in the amount of iron from 11 to 39% makes it possible to increase the extraction degree of silicon into an alloy up to 72–73% in the temperature of 1800–2000 °C, in the process the silicon concentration in the alloy decreases from 57–65.7 to 40.5–40.9%; FS45-grade ferrosilicon at the extraction degree of silicon in the alloy of 70–72.6% can be formed in the temperature of 1750–2000 °C in the presence of 29–39% Fe, FS50 ferrosilicon is formed at 25.5–35.0% Fe and 1870–2000 °C, and FS65 ferrosilicon – in the temperature of 1895–2000 °C in the presence of 11–12.7% Fe. The FS45-grade ferrosilicon was formed during electric smelting of a charge containing 57% of the briquettes, 21% of coke, 22% of steel chips, and the FS50-grade ferrosilicon – using a charge consisting of 61% of the briquettes, 22% of coke and 17% of steel chips; the silicon extraction degree into the alloys is 73–79%.


vanadium-containing quartzite, leaching tailings, thermodynamic modeling, electric smelting, ferrosilicon

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How to Cite

Shevko, V., Aitkulov, D., Badikova, A. “Comprehensive Processing of Vanadium-Containing Black Shale Tailings”, Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering, 66(4), pp. 617–628, 2022.


