Polarographic study on the kinetics and mechanism of the hydrolysis of 1,2,3,-cyclohexanetrione 1,3-dioxime


  • János Zsakó
  • Gabriella Szabó


The hydrolysis of 1,2,3-cyclohexanetrione 1,3-dioxime was studied polarographically in the presence of different concentrations of the perchloric acid, by measuring the diffusion current intensity of the first polarographic wave with $ E_1 \over 2 = - 440$ mV. First order rate constants were derived and the influence of perchloric acid concentration and temperature was studied. The results are discussed by presuming a reaction mechanism consisting of a protolytic pre-equilibrium, followed by a slow competitive water addition onto both the protonated and non-protonated forms of the dioxime. The final step is presumed to be a fast elimination of hydroxylamine.


1, 2, 3-cyclohexanetrione 1, 3-dioxime, , kinetics and mechanism of oxime hydrolysis, protonation of oximes, acidity constants

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How to Cite

Zsakó, J., Szabó, G. “Polarographic study on the kinetics and mechanism of the hydrolysis of 1,2,3,-cyclohexanetrione 1,3-dioxime”, Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering, 43(1), pp. 35–40, 1999.


