Mass Transfer at Mixing Processes


  • Ladislav Chria\vstel


In this paper the oxygen transfer in a mixing process is analyzed and measured. The tests were performed in a glass vessel with 30 l water content and a loop mixer was used as a mixing equipment. The results proved a good agreement with Kla values calculated by relationships proposed by the authors of [8] and [9], but the values calculated on the basis of two other papers show significant differences. Moreover, we have found out that the procedure recommended for Kla estimation by the author of [5] is not quite correct, because it does not consider the changes in the oxygen electrode time delay. A new non-dimensional relationship was proposed for Kl a calculation and the results obtained showed good agreement between theory and practice.


overall volume coefficient of oxygen transfer, oxygen, concentration, loop mixer equipment, oxygen electrode, oximeter, dynamometer

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How to Cite

Chria\vstel, L. “Mass Transfer at Mixing Processes”, Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering, 43(2), pp. 77–87, 1999.


