Localization of Simulated Damage on a Steel Beam from Random Vibrations


  • Jan Bayer
    The Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics AS CR, v. v. i
  • Jaromír Král
    Klokner Institute, CTU Prague
  • Shota Urushadze
    The Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics AS CR, v. v. i


The performance of a few localization schemes using measured mode shapes was tested in an experimental case study with respect to the Ultimate Limit State (ULS). The first question to be posed was: Is it possible to indicate and locate damage under laboratory conditions before the ULS is reached? Relatively simple localization criteria were chosen, which do not require extensive FE analysis. A new combination of them, designated here as Combined Localization Criterion (CLI), was proposed that performed well in the presented case. A simple supported beam with the damage progressing in three consecutive stages was used for the experiments. Mode shapes in the range of up to 100 Hz were extracted from the response of the structure to the air stream.


damage localization, change of natural modes, flexibility matrix, flexibility curvatures, case study, damage detection, vibration monitoring

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How to Cite

Bayer, J., Král, J., Urushadze, S. “Localization of Simulated Damage on a Steel Beam from Random Vibrations”, Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 62(1), pp. 112–116, 2018. https://doi.org/10.3311/PPci.10625



Research Article