Overlap-avoiding Tickmodel: an Agent- and GIS-Based Method for Evacuation Simulations
Evacuation simulation is a method to determine evacuation times for areas, buildings, or vessels. It is based on the simulation of crowd dynamics and pedestrian motion; in this paper, we investigated the evacuation characteristics with a new motion model. The motion model and modeling space were implemented in an agent-based environment. The model is simple and generally applicable, it navigates the agent towards the destinations (safe zones) in a mixed macro-micro approach. The simulations were tested in a geospatially modeled lecture hall of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). The evacuation times and the panic rate were both estimated; a new way of measurement was applied for panic. Finally, conclusions were made on the person count ~ evacuation time and person count ~ panic rate relations. The paper introduces the key factors of this complex modeling phenomenon and demonstrates how to set up an agent-based evacuation model. The results can simulate the real phenomenon and constitute valuable assets for decision-making in public safety issues (architectural design, evacuation protocol, regulations of space).