Optimal Design of Jacket Supporting Structures for Offshore Wind Turbines Using CBO and ECBO Algorithms


  • Ali Kaveh
  • Sepehr Sabeti
    Graduate student


Structural optimization of offshore wind turbines is a tedious task due to the complexity of the problem. However, in this article, this problem is tackled using two meta-heuristic algorithms - Colliding Bodies Optimization (CBO) and its enhanced version (ECBO) - for a jacket supporting structure. The OC4 reference jacket is chosen as a case study to validate the methods utilized in this research. The jacket supporting structure is modeled in MATLAB and its optimal design is performed while both Ultimate Limit State (ULS) and frequency constraints are considered. In the present study, it is presumed that both wind and wave phenomena act in the same horizontal direction. As a result, all resultant forces and moments will act in-plane and the substructure can therefore be modeled in 2D space. Considerable weight reduction is obtained during the optimization process while fulfilling all constraints. 


offshore wind turbines, jacket supporting structures, Colliding Bodies Optimization, structural design optimization, meta-heuristic algorithm

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How to Cite

Kaveh, A., Sabeti, S. “Optimal Design of Jacket Supporting Structures for Offshore Wind Turbines Using CBO and ECBO Algorithms”, Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 62(3), pp. 545–554, 2018. https://doi.org/10.3311/PPci.11651



Research Article