Exploring Managerial Perspectives of Using Building Management System through TAM: An Empirical Study of Commercial Sector of Pakistan


  • Ahsen Maqsoom
    Department of Civil Engineering, COMSATS University Islamabad Wah Campus, Quaid Avenue, Wah Cantt 47040, Pakistan
  • Jameel Ur Rehman
    Department of Management Science, Centre for Advanced Studies in Engineering (CASE), Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Umer
    Department of Management Science, COMSATS University Islamabad Wah Campus, Quaid Avenue, Wah Cantt 47040, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Jamaluddin Thaheem
    Department of Construction Engineering and Management, National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
  • Majid Jamal Khan
    Department of Management Science, COMSATS University Islamabad Wah Campus, Quaid Avenue, Wah Cantt 47040, Pakistan
  • Adnan Nawaz
    Department of Civil Engineering, COMSATS University Islamabad Wah Campus, Quaid Avenue, Wah Cantt 47040, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Najam
    Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad Wah Campus, Quaid Avenue, Wah Cantt 47040, Pakistan
  • Tahira Nazir
    Department of Management Science, COMSATS University Islamabad Wah Campus, Quaid Avenue, Wah Cantt 47040, Pakistan


A cursory review of the Building Management System (BMS) which optimizes building performance as a move towards smart cities has been presented in the present study. The extant study is an effort to distinguish and analyze the circumstances as if the underdeveloped economies are less likely to be benefitted by the contemporary trends of BMS as compare to the developed countries. Moreover, the current study identifies the factors which may cause to render the managerial acceptance for using BMS through the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). TAM was used to measure four behaviors (latent factors) namely subjective norms, organization support, compatibility, and technology complexity. The data were statistically evaluated via multiple regression analysis using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Results suggested that organization support and compatibility have a significant influence on managerial intentions to use BMS while subjective norms, technology complexity have no significant influence. The findings of this study may serve as guidelines for improvement in the acceptance process and using building management systems in commercial sectors of developing countries.


building management systems, technology acceptance model, energy conservation, building automation systems, smart buildings

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How to Cite

Maqsoom, A., Rehman, J. U., Umer, M., Thaheem, M. J., Khan, M. J., Nawaz, A., Najam, M., Nazir, T. “Exploring Managerial Perspectives of Using Building Management System through TAM: An Empirical Study of Commercial Sector of Pakistan”, Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 64(3), pp. 690–701, 2020. https://doi.org/10.3311/PPci.15323



Research Article