Geometric Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Folded Plate Structures by the Harmonic Coupled Finite Strip Method


  • Dragan D. Milašinović

    Faculty of Civil Engineering Subotica, University of Novi Sad

  • Danica Goleš

    Faculty of Civil Engineering Subotica, University of Novi Sad


This paper presents theoretical and numerical analysis of two reinforced concrete folded plate structures (RCFPS) of span length 20 and 30 m, according to linear predictions and predictions of geometric nonlinear behavior of structure. Characteristic cross-sections are designed on the basics of internal forces calculated using linear finite strip method (FSM). The ultimate resistance of characteristic cross-sections is presented through diagrams of interaction. It was found that the safety factors of selected cross sections calculated assuming linear structural behavior in almost all the cases are on the safe side in relation to the results obtained assuming large displacements. Significant differences between the results of linear and nonlinear theory are observed only at longer RCFSM. The stability analysis required during the design process is performed by using the complex harmonic coupled finite strip method (HCFSM). A combined application of MPI and OpenMP parallelization methods in the cloud computing environment is used.


harmonic coupled finite strip method, reinforced concrete folded plate structures, ultimate resistance, cloud computing, MPI, OpenMP

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How to Cite

Milašinović, D. D., Goleš, D. “Geometric Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Folded Plate Structures by the Harmonic Coupled Finite Strip Method”, Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 58(3), pp. 173–185, 2014.



Research Article