АНАЛИЗ РЕЗУЛЬТАТОВ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ ПЕРЕМЕЩЕНИЯ 4-0ГО РЕАКТОРА АТОМНОЙ ЭЛЕКТРОСТАНЦИИ "ПАКШ" С ТОЧКИ ЗРЕНИЯ СОСТАВЛЕНИЯ ПРОГНОЗА ПЕРЕМЕЩЕНИЯ И СОЗДАНИЯ ДИАГНОСТИЧЕСКОЙ СИСТЕМЫ. Analiz rezul'tatov issledovaniâ peremeşeniâ 4-ogo reaktora atomnoj ęlektrostancii "Paks" s točki zreniâ sostavleniâ prognoza peremeşeniâ i sozdaniâ diagnostičeskoj sistemy


  • Antal Kiss


Commissioned in 1986 to prognosticate displacements of reactor IV of the Paks Nuclear Power Station, then under construction - for the continuation of assembly and for putting in operation - the Institute of Geodesy, TUB had to short time (about half a year) available for a purposeful testing that was not feasible earlier, so that the data from this test of limited possibilities, and from earlier general purpose foundation displacement test, were available for evaluating displacements of reactor IV. Test methods for this information base, mode of utilizing information from similar establishments and experimental observations will be outlined. Analysis and comparative testing of displacement test results for structural parts each permitted estimations for prognosticating displacements of reactor IV, providing useful information for installing a diagnostic system.

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Kiss, A. “АНАЛИЗ РЕЗУЛЬТАТОВ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ ПЕРЕМЕЩЕНИЯ 4-0ГО РЕАКТОРА АТОМНОЙ ЭЛЕКТРОСТАНЦИИ "ПАКШ" С ТОЧКИ ЗРЕНИЯ СОСТАВЛЕНИЯ ПРОГНОЗА ПЕРЕМЕЩЕНИЯ И СОЗДАНИЯ ДИАГНОСТИЧЕСКОЙ СИСТЕМЫ. Analiz rezul’tatov issledovaniâ peremeşeniâ 4-ogo reaktora atomnoj ęlektrostancii "Paks" s točki zreniâ sostavleniâ prognoza peremeşeniâ i sozdaniâ diagnostičeskoj sistemy”, Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 34(1-2), pp. 47–67, 1990.



Research Article