ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ ФОТОГРАММЕТРИЧЕСКОГО ОБОРУДОВАНИЯ ПРОИЗВОДСТВА ЦЕЙСС, ЕНА ДЛА РЕШЕНИЯ СТРОИТЕЛЬНЫХ И АРХИТЕКТУРНЫХ ЗАДАЧ. Primenenie fotogrammetričeskogo oborudovaniâ proizvodstva Cejss, Ena dlâ rešeniâ stroitel'nyh i arhitekturnyh zadač


  • László Kis Papp


Photogrammetric equipment made by Zeiss Works, Jena for civil engineering and architectural applications. Zeiss Works, Jena have developed a photogrammetric camera and processing system for architectural and civil engineering applications. Description is given of how to make photographs by means of SMK and UMK cameras, indicating photograph scales and explaining how to prepare design drawings. Also the stereo-photogrammetric apparatus Technokart is presented.

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How to Cite

Kis Papp, L. “ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ ФОТОГРАММЕТРИЧЕСКОГО ОБОРУДОВАНИЯ ПРОИЗВОДСТВА ЦЕЙСС, ЕНА ДЛА РЕШЕНИЯ СТРОИТЕЛЬНЫХ И АРХИТЕКТУРНЫХ ЗАДАЧ. Primenenie fotogrammetričeskogo oborudovaniâ proizvodstva Cejss, Ena dlâ rešeniâ stroitel’nyh i arhitekturnyh zadač”, Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 27(3-4), pp. 149–156, 1983.



Research Article