The reiterative accuracy of gait determined by simplified gait analysis


  • Rita M. Kiss


Dynamic perception is the perception of the relation of moving body parts to each other. To examine dynamic perception, the reiterative accuracy of well-known movements - for example, gait - is analysed. Simplified gait analysis can be obtained for 50 cycles of gait in this research. The high number of gait cycles analysed provides an opportunity to calculate the average and standard deviation of different temporal (duration of stance phase, swing phase, double support phase) and spatial parameters (step length, stride length, cadence) of each subject investigated. 45 healthy, young subjects, 11 professional hand ball players, 24 patients after medial meniscectomy, 20 elderly, healthy subjects, and 20 patients with hip osteoarthritis are investigated. The average, standard deviation and normalized deviation of parameters of each person are calculated. The normalized deviation of parameters enables modelling of dynamic perception, because it is independent from the value of parameters due to normalization. O ur tests show that the size of the parameter is independent from lateral dominance at healthy subjects. The size of the normalized deviation of parameters depends on age, on the intensity of sports activities, and on orthopaedical diseases.


gait analysis, dynamic perception, normalized deviation

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How to Cite

M. Kiss, R. “The reiterative accuracy of gait determined by simplified gait analysis”, Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 52(2), pp. 57–62, 2008.



Research Article