Examination of Mechanical Properties in Unbound Road Bases
The following document presents a study on the behaviour of unbound granular bases for `thin asphalt´ pavement structures. The Report presents the mechanical and practical properties of unbound granular materials with special regard on the determination of its the resilient modulus and the permanent deformation, and by proper material characterisation of the unbound bases. To deal with the nonlinear behaviour, the mechanical attributes may examine by a Finite Element Model computer program. To make the final result user friendly, it is more advisable to go for clever use of commonly accepted linear elastic approaches. The objective of the study is to investigate how the inaccuracies of linear elastic modelling of granular layers can be circumvented as best as possible. In second phase the critical stresses and strains and the material characteristics are correlated to easy to measure parameters as surface deflections and layer thickness. These relationships form the basis of the development of predictive models for structural evaluation of unbound road bases in thin asphalt pavements. For this study elaborated the following topics will be: