Local Geoid Determination Using Variable Surface Densities


  • Szabolcs Rózsa


Local gravimetric geoid determination was carried out in the test region of Sóskút. In this solution 1610 point gravity data as well as a high resolution DTM were used. The latest Hungarian gravimetric geoid solution of the BUTE was chosen as a reference for the local geoid determination. From the point gravity anomalies and the elevation data a surface density model has been derived. Afterwards the surface density data were used for the calculation of the terrain-corrections and the indirect effect. The calculations were made with constant density values too. The difference between the two solutions reached the maximum of 2 mm.


gravimetric geoid, surface density, terrain correction

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How to Cite

Rózsa, S. “Local Geoid Determination Using Variable Surface Densities”, Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 46(2), pp. 205–212, 2002.



Research Article