A Note on the Role of Internal Structure of Rocks in the Deviations of Compression Strength Results
Our paper focuses on the uniaxial compression failure strength of granular rocks. The results of laboratory tests usually show a rather high scatter that has mostly been explained by the small random errors when doing the experiments. Our aim was to supervise this problem from microstructural point of view and to point out that the geometrical randomness of microstructure has a significant role in the differences between the results of individual tests.
petrophysics, rock mechanics, compressive strength, rupture mechanismHow to Cite
Bagi, K., Bojtár, I., Gálos, M. “A Note on the Role of Internal Structure of Rocks in the Deviations of Compression Strength Results”, Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 43(2), pp. 169–178, 1999.
Research Article