A Mechanistic-Empirical Approach for Asphalt Overlay Design of Asphalt Pavement Structures


  • István Fi
    Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  • Ibolya Szentpéteri


Nowadays many overlay design methods are known, which is different from country to country. The current Hungarian overlay design standard goes back several decades, when the laying of a new asphalt layer on the existing pavements meant the overlay of pavement. Because of the spreading of new construction technologies and economics it is necessary to develop methods, which can take into account the characteristics of existing pavement structure after remove of the surface and binder course. This paper deals a suggestion for overlay design, which is based on mechanical-empirical method and developed at Highway Laboratory of BME. The method uses the strain value at the bottom of existing asphalt layer and the equivalent modulus of pavement structures for determination of overlaid binder course.


overlay design, multi-layer pavement, fatigue line, equivalent modulus

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How to Cite

Fi, I., Szentpéteri, I. “A Mechanistic-Empirical Approach for Asphalt Overlay Design of Asphalt Pavement Structures”, Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 58(1), pp. 55–62, 2014. https://doi.org/10.3311/PPci.7408



Research Article