Analysis of Hyperbolic Transition Curve Geometry
After the description of the basic geometry and relationships of the hyperbolic transition curve geometry we made further analysis. In this paper we analyzed the possible minimal length of the transition curve based on the dynamical characteristics. We determined the relationship between the dynamical parameters and the p parameter of the transition curve. For transition curves between tangential sections and curves we compared the minimal lengths of the hyperbolic geometry to the clothoide and cosine ones. The results show that according to the considered regulations the hyperbolic geometry gives shorter transition curve length. This has significant practical consequences as it makes the design more flexible.
transition curve, third order motion characteristics, railway geometryPublished Online
How to Cite
Barna, Z., Kisgyörgy, L. “Analysis of Hyperbolic Transition Curve Geometry”, Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 59(2), pp. 173–178, 2015.
Research Article