The Effects of Tragacanth Addition on the Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Concretes Mixed with Expanded Clay


  • Atilla Gencer Devecioğlu
    Dicle University Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Yaşar Biçer


The effects of adding tragacanth, which is a natural resin, as expanded clay aggregate and binder to specimens on the thermal and mechanical properties of lightweight concretes has been examined in this study. Expanded clay with diameters of 4 - 8mm and by proportion 5%, 10% and 20% of cement’s weight was added to specimens in the study. As a binder, by addition of 1% tragacanth to cement at the rate of 1%, new lightweight concrete specimens with densities varying between 867 kg/m3to 1452 kg/m3were produced. Tragacanth with the same proportions of mixture was prepared in pure specimens in order to compare. Water / cement ratio was kept constant in all mixtures. At the end of a drying time of 28 days, thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity, compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, water absorption and drying quantities of specimens were confirmed. As a result, decrease of thermal conductivity, density and compressive strength of specimens was seen through adding tragacanth and raising the amount of expanded clay.


Expanded clay, tragacanth, thermal conductivity, lightweight concrete

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

Published Online


How to Cite

Devecioğlu, A. G., Biçer, Y. “The Effects of Tragacanth Addition on the Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Concretes Mixed with Expanded Clay”, Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 60(1), pp. 45–50, 2016.



Research Article