New Method to Measure Soil-GCL Interaction
The present study presents a new experimental technique to measure friction angle between soil and Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL). The method in question avoids some deficiencies observed on the inclined plane and pullout tests. Moreover, the technique allows observing the GCL tensile behaviour. The experimental frame is easy to build in usual geotechnical laboratory. The one employed is made-up in civil engineering Department of Ouargla University (Algeria). It is usable for testing both GCLs and other geosynthetic materials. Also, it permits to apply various experimental conditions (like slide velocity, confining pressure and water content) to the tested materials. The present method highlights that the soil-GCL interaction is, actually, a combination of two loading forces: soil-GCL interface friction and pure traction of the GCL material. The obtained results allow evaluating both soil-GCL angle of friction and intrinsic stiness of the GCL in relation with the confining pressure.