Numerical Simulation of Heat-and-Mass Transfer Processes in the Cooling Passages of a Cylinder Head in a Diesel Locomotive Engine


  • Andrey N. Avramenko
    Department of Hydrogen Power Engineering, A.M. Pidhirnyi Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems NAS of Ukraine, 2/10 Pozharsky St. Kharkov, 61046, Ukraine
  • Fedor I. Abramchuk
    Department of Internal Combustion Engines, Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University, Yaroslava Mudrogo st. 25, Kharkov, 61002, Ukraine


Results are given for the comparative numerical simulation of heat-and-mass transfer processes in the cooling passages of a cylinder head in diesel locomotive engine 16 FN 26/27 running under rated power conditions at different engine boost levels. The advanced numerical methods used are shown to ensure a high degree of accuracy and information content when simulating heat-and-mass transfer processes, and enable evaluating the local values of flow parameters with account of the complex configuration of the flow parts in the cooling passages and the impact of operating parameters. The results show that an increasing boost level of a diesel engine and, respectively, a growing thermal load degrade drastically the conditions of heat rejection from the most thermally stressed zones of the cylinder head – the central part of the bottom face in the area of the injector bore and of the bridge between the bores of exhaust valve seats. The paper assesses the impact of the boost level on the effectiveness of heat rejection from the most thermally stressed areas of the cylinder head of a diesel locomotive engine. Conclusions and recommendations for improving the operating conditions of the cylinder head are given.


cooling passage, cylinder head, diesel engine, temperature, boost level

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How to Cite

Avramenko, A. N., Abramchuk, F. I. “Numerical Simulation of Heat-and-Mass Transfer Processes in the Cooling Passages of a Cylinder Head in a Diesel Locomotive Engine”, Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering, 63(1), pp. 26–32, 2019.


