Upcycling of polymer waste from automotive industry
The recycling methods of polymer fraction from wrecks are not solved in the automotive industry. If the manufacturers want to meet the EU directive, 95%of the car wrecks must be recycled from 2015. In order to reutilization polymer waste the upcycling is very important. Considering economic aspects, the aim is to manufacture a product of two components where the shell structure consists of low density polyolefin fraction, while the core can be developed by high density mixed waste polymer materials. Afterwards, the mechanical and flame-retardant properties of the two-component injection molded product can be examined.
recycling, co-injection molding, car waste, fiber reinforcement, fire retardancyHow to Cite
Dobrovszky, K. “Upcycling of polymer waste from automotive industry”, Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering, 55(2), pp. 73–77, 2011. https://doi.org/10.3311/pp.me.2011-2.02