Moderne Spitzenlastkraftwerkanlage mit Preßluftenergiespeicherung von 500 MW


  • Antal Penninger
  • Botond Czinkóczky
  • Timót Veér


This paper presents a combined thermodynamic-economical analysis of a modern power plant using compressed air energy storage. The variations of the specific heat rate as well as prices of the produced energy are mainly investigated for different power plant layouts. The world`s first such power plant as well as three different variations of a new designed, modern layout are compared. The aim was to see how much the thrift of such a plant increases the replacement of the expansion train at technological level of the late `70s by a new, high-tech turbine. Another direction, which investigations are made in, is the analysis of the efficiency of different improvements to the basic cycle. All this has been made through a comparison of the variants from both thermodynamic and economical point of view.


power plant, energy storage, gas turbine

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How to Cite

Penninger, A., Czinkóczky, B., Veér, T. “Moderne Spitzenlastkraftwerkanlage mit Preßluftenergiespeicherung von 500 MW”, Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering, 43(1), pp. 19–28, 1999.


