Assessment of Simultaneous Heating Demands for Consumer Groups
The paper presents the determination of the simultaneity factor in district heating systems based on the simultaneous heat demand level of a group of consumers. The simultaneity factor is formed on a probability theory basis, involving a prescribed risk. The simultaneity factor is a ratio that indicates the proportion of the aggregated nominal heat demand of consumers that occurs at a specific time. As known, the simultaneity factor is less than one. Knowledge of the simultaneity factor allows us to uncover performance reserve capacity in a district heating system. This way, there are often opportunities for expanding district heating systems, connecting new consumers, and improving the economic efficiency of operation.
simultaneous factory, district heating, consumers, distributionPublished Online
How to Cite
Garbai, L., Sánta, R., Zónai, V. “Assessment of Simultaneous Heating Demands for Consumer Groups”, Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering, 68(3), pp. 211–215, 2024.