ОПТИМИЗАЦИЯ ИЗНОСА РЕЖУЩИХ ИНСТРУМЕНТОВ. Optimizaciâ iznosa režuşih instrumentov


  • János Bali


The techno!ogica!-economica! efficiency of cutting procedure considerably depends оn the rationa! use оf working too!s, since it is in c!ose correlation with the costs and quality оf machining and productivity, as well. In the рарег the essential рrоblem оf working too!s, the possibility and so!ution method оf optimizing the wearing аге discussed. Optimization оf wearing is at the same time the background ргоblem also оf determining the cutting data and as such it саn significant!y contribute to the efficiency оf cutting procedure.

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How to Cite

Bali, J. “ОПТИМИЗАЦИЯ ИЗНОСА РЕЖУЩИХ ИНСТРУМЕНТОВ. Optimizaciâ iznosa režuşih instrumentov”, Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering, 30(2), pp. 175–191, 1986.


