Simulated extraction of stent stabilized coronary sinus leads


  • Tibor Balázs
  • János Dobránszky


Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is an effective nonpharmacological therapeutic method for the treatment of selected patients with chronic heart failure with a wide QRS complex and mechanical dyssynchrony of cardiac ventricles. A new technique is used to stabilize the implanted coronary sinus lead in an appropriate position with an expanded coronary stent to maintain synchronous pacing of the left ventricle. The extraction of the previously stented lead might be indicated for any medical or technical reason. Neither the capability to stabilize the lead, nor the lead removal procedure and the necessary physical activity of extraction have been evaluated yet. The aim of our study is to simulate the extraction of a stent stabilized coronary sinus lead in in-vitro experiments. We evaluated the additional stabilization capability of the technique, as well as the extraction force needed to pull out the CS lead using stabilizing stents with different diameters and lengths.


extraction, stent stabilized coronary sinus lead, resynchronization therapy

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How to Cite

Balázs, T., Dobránszky, J. “Simulated extraction of stent stabilized coronary sinus leads”, Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering, 57(1), pp. 41–44, 2013.


