Mechanical Properties of Medieval Bloomery Iron Materials - Comparative Tensile and Charpy-tests on Bloomery Iron Samples and S235JRG2


  • Ádám Thiele
  • Jiří Hošek


Ductility, toughness and strength of medieval bloomery iron materials were highly important mechanical properties, strongly affected by their microstructure and chemical composition. An attempt was made to characterize the most important mechanical properties of representative samples of main bloomery iron materials extracted in smelting experiments and compare them to the well know reference modern steel of S235JRG2. It was confirmed that notching and the stress concentration effect of slag inclusions strongly decrease all the characteristic values of ductility and toughness of bloomery iron materials. Typical medieval bloomery P-iron is a brittle material with almost zero or very low characteristic values of ductility and toughness but revealed similarly high strength as hardened and tempered bloomery steel.


Bloomery iron, phosphoric iron, mechanical properties, mechanical testing

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How to Cite

Thiele, Ádám, Hošek, J. “Mechanical Properties of Medieval Bloomery Iron Materials - Comparative Tensile and Charpy-tests on Bloomery Iron Samples and S235JRG2”, Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering, 59(1), pp. 35–38, 2015.


