Small and Medium Enterprises in the Sustainable Supply Chain: A Review
The aim of this paper is to provide a literature review and a summary of the role of small- and medium sized enterprises (SME) in green- and sustainable supply chains using a comprehensive review of the literature. After introducing the most important notions relating to sustainable supply chains and the survey methodology, a detailed analysis of scientific publications describing various issues related to SMEs and their role in green/sustainable supply chains will be presented. Results show the most important focus areas addressed and methodologies used in the literature, as well as a list of potential research questions still unanswered in this important topic.
SME, sustainable supply chain, literature reviewPublished Online
How to Cite
Fetter, B. (2019) “Small and Medium Enterprises in the Sustainable Supply Chain: A Review”, Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences, 27(2), pp. 154–163.