The impact of the crisis and recovery on HR and knowledge management in focus - a Hungarian-Slovakian comparison 2009


  • József Poór
  • Szilvia Kosár
  • Péter Fodor
  • Viktória Tóth
  • Zoltán Majó
  • Zsuzsanna Csiba
  • Erika Huszárik


The world slowly begins to recover from the economic crisis. According to the forecast of the most recent Davos World Economic Forum (2011), the entire world economy can anticipate a 6.5%, while the developed world - including the transition countries - an approximately 2.5-3%GDP growth. It was not easy to get to this point. Since October 2008, the actors of the world economy got many ` slaps in the face ` (ILO, 2009). Since October 2008, the global economy are very much ` clout ` for it lacks the good character and prudence (Palinkas, 2009). The crisis itself particularly affected to a large extent economies of Eastern Europe, choosen a neo-liberal way. (Csaba, 2009; Kiss, 2009 and Szelényi, 2009). Up to this day, we have a relatively small amount of specific data and few surveys (Bóday, 2009) on how the different companies and institutions survived the crisis from a HR and knowledge management point of view, what methods they used to mitigate the effects of the crisis. In the present study, we give a summary of our relevant observations gained from an empirical survey we conducted between October and December 2009 among Hungarian and Slovakian companies.


Crisis, recovery, human resource management, Hungary and Slovakia

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How to Cite

Poór, J., Kosár, S., Fodor, P., Tóth, V., Majó, Z., Csiba, Z., Huszárik, E. (2012) “The impact of the crisis and recovery on HR and knowledge management in focus - a Hungarian-Slovakian comparison 2009”, Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences, 20(1), pp. 29–44.


