Remarks on the emerging regulation methods of emerging nanotechnologies


  • Ágnes Fésüs


Regulation of emerging issues needs new forms of governance. This new governance includes soft law approach, dialogues, public engagement, frames of research set by firms and ethics in forms of codes of conduct among other things and, in interaction with the recent dynamics of nanotechnologies, it integrates into a `governance landscape´. This article first summarises and assesses the forms of and reasons for the turn to governance at different issues. Then it interprets both the frame jointly set by DuPont and EDF as well as the NanoCode recommendation worked out by the EC. Reflecting on some views that identify this recent development in the emerging regulation of nanotechnologies as a step in direction toward innovation governance in this field it expresses both the endorsement of this view and some doubts that may invite to paint a bit more differentiated picture of the recent dynamic. ``The regulatory challenge is´´ (...) ``to ensure that society can benefit from novel applications of nanotechnology, whilst a high level of protection of health, safety and the environment is maintained.´´ (Commission 2008, P. 4)


Governance, frame of reference, code of conduct, soft law, emerging technology, nanotechnology, innovation governance

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How to Cite

Fésüs, Ágnes (2009) “Remarks on the emerging regulation methods of emerging nanotechnologies”, Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences, 17(1), pp. 3–16.


