Office working environment development - Introduction of a Concrete Empirical Research


  • Edit Németh


In our modern and extremely changing world firmness in market competition, maintaining market position and/or their realization according to strategic purposes are in the focus of corporate decisions. At the same time, it is also salient for corporate executives that choosing the adequate strategy is not sufficient in itself. Carrying out the strategy successfully requires a new way of approach to corporate control of managers, which should be supported by the design of office working environment, and the arrangement of corporate units and employees. In all these ergonomics - which provide healthy, comfortable working environment ensuring well-being of employees and working conditions supporting efficient work - can give corporate executives a kind of guidance to plan adequate corporate environment. Besides planning ergonomic working environment, the conception of office planning influences intellectual work, life of the corporation, work efficiency, communication within the corporation, team work, and individual performance to a great extent. Further on, I present an empirical research, by means of which I have developed an office conversion method in order to reveal cultural, communicational, work organizational factors of various organizations and which is by all means recommended to be taken into consideration in the course of designing an office environment supporting efficient work.


marketing, internal marketing, organizational development, ergonomics

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

How to Cite

Németh, E. (2009) “Office working environment development - Introduction of a Concrete Empirical Research”, Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences, 17(2), pp. 73–78.


