Short theoretic summary of the M & A activity and overview of the trends in Hungary from 2002 to 2008


  • Kornél Halmos


Since 1989 the mergers and acquisitions have had great influence on the Hungarian economy. After the decline in the early 2000s the level of the M & A activity became higher, but the composition of the deal types and driving forces changed.This study makes an attempt to identify the new trends of the M & A figures in Hungary and to address the greatest problems in this field of research, the imperfect data and the traceable inconsistencies. The results show high level of concentration of the deals in the origination of the buyers and in case of value of the deals. After 2006 the minority stake purchase became more significant through high value ,,mega-deals´´.


mergers, acquisitions, trends

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

How to Cite

Halmos, K. (2008) “Short theoretic summary of the M & A activity and overview of the trends in Hungary from 2002 to 2008”, Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences, 16(2), pp. 63–69.


