Environmental analysis in building energetics sector from aspect of micro- and smallenterprises
Based on a model approach regarding the structural, relational and environmental features of the building energetics sector the article at first gives a concise and general view on the main conditions influencing the consumer market segment. After that, research results will be presented and commented concerning how Hungarian micro- and smallenterprises (MSEs) realize and evaluate these conditions from the point of view of their position, competitiveness and opportunities.
building energetics sector, energy consumption, energy saving, environmental analysis, Hungary, micro- and smallenterprises.How to Cite
Bíró-Szigeti, S. (2008) “Environmental analysis in building energetics sector from aspect of micro- and smallenterprises”, Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences, 16(2), pp. 89–96. https://doi.org/10.3311/pp.so.2008-2.05