
  • Ferenc Branner
  • Mária Csete


The present study investigates the realization of sustainability - which is a way of thinking, life, production and consumption that could guarantee the survival of modern society - on local, settlement level with the help of different comparative methods. The scope of investigation includes two cities (Debrecen and Nagyvárad) and the settlements of a subregion. The goal of the analysis is to assess comparatively two different types of sustainability attempts and to introduce an assessment system. Accordingly we are trying to compare the long-term development concept of Debrecen city and county center and the Local Agenda 21 programme of Nagyvárad city, located near the Hungarian border. It is to be answered whether a local sustainability programme prepared according to the regulation (LA-21) or decisions made by the local, responsibly thinking city leaders lead to the realization of a liveable settlement. The assessment method serves to evaluate settlements from the aspect of sustainability and to determine the directions of development with the application of an expert rating method. The latter - settlement level measurement and assessment of sustainability - enables settlements to find the way to sustainability, providing a compass for the realization, taking into account the system of complex relations of sustainability, serving as a basis for subregional, municipal and other decision-making.


Sustainability, Local Agenda 21, sustainable settlement, measurement and, assessment of sustainability

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How to Cite

Branner, F., Csete, M. (2005) “EVALUATION OF THE SUSTAINABILITY OF SETTLEMENTS”, Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences, 13(2), pp. 215–225.


