From analyticity to cognitive synonymy on quine`s path


  • János Tanács


In this paper the problem of analyticity and cognitive synonymy will be scrutinised following Quine`s path. The analysis will differ in two essential points from the usual analysis. First, not only one sentence but set of sentences will be taken into consideration. Second, the language will be studied not in a static state but in a dynamic process. I am going to examine also the change of the truth value, when a linguistic system has to incorporate a new fact of the extralinguistic world. This will suggest us that the language can be pictured rather as a net than as a tree.


interchangeability, extensional language, language of science, meaning and empirical analysis

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

How to Cite

Tanács, J. (1999) “From analyticity to cognitive synonymy on quine`s path”, Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences, 7(1), pp. 79–88.


