Green Growth Analysis of Social Development in OECD Countries


  • Anıl Yıldırım Poyraz
    Doctoral School of Business and Management, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Műegyetem rkp. 3., 1111 Budapest, Hungary


This paper seeks to elucidate the inter and intrarelationships between a selected set of OECD green growth indicators (GGI). In addition to the selected GGI, the analysis includes the Human Development Index (HDI) and its sub-indicators. The novelty of the analysis comes from the incorporation of these established indicators, which have been utilised and developed to reflect human well-being and prosperity for decades. Production-based CO2 intensity and emission change are significantly correlated to average length of schooling across the 36 countries that were members of the OECD in the year 2019. Longer years spent in school on average can facilitate the green transition of countries. The correlations among intra-GGI also suggest where OECD countries are lagging in terms of green transition. For example, renewable energy supply share in energy and air transport-related CO2 per capita are positively correlated in the countries. This indicates that countries with a successful path toward green energy are not paying much attention to their high level of CO2 emissions caused by aviation. Infrastructural and technological advancement as well as increased public awareness are needed to challenge such issues.


green growth, human development index, OECD countries, sustainable development

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How to Cite

Poyraz, A. Y. (2023) “Green Growth Analysis of Social Development in OECD Countries”, Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences, 31(2), pp. 112–119.


