Operational Characteristics of Hungarian Innovation Clusters as Reflected by a Qualitative Research Study
Our paper is focusing on Hungarian innovation clusters which have also earned accreditation titles. Nowadays, one may say that the number of players recognising the advantages of a cluster membership among businesses as well as non-profit organisations is increasing; we can therefore witness a process of closing up in the development of clusters, similarly to other areas. The result and practical significance of our study is that highlights the potential of organising clusters – compared to business networks - and shows the opportunities of innovation and cooperation.
innovation clusters, networks, cooperation, innovation lifecyclePublished Online
How to Cite
Kovács, I., Petruska, I. (2014) “Operational Characteristics of Hungarian Innovation Clusters as Reflected by a Qualitative Research Study”, Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences, 22(2), pp. 129–139. https://doi.org/10.3311/PPso.7138