Use of Budgetary Coefficients for Assessing the Sustainability of the Local Budget of Kazakhstan


  • Assiya Issakhova
    Turar Ryskulov New Economic University ( former Kazakh Economic University (KazEU) named after T.Ryskulov)
  • Parida Issakhova
    Almaty Management University ( Former International Academy of Business )


At the present time, development of budget analysis as a direction of fiscal science is relevant and promising in terms of scientific and practical aspects. For the local budget of Kazakhstan, it is important to derive the state of the budget system of regions and determine the level of sustainability from the analysis of objective information. The purpose of this study is to analyze and assess sustainability indicators of the local budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) for the period between 2002 and 2013. Concept of fiscal sustainability is explained, features of its assessment and its influencing factors are identified and basic approaches to the analysis of financial stability in the regions of Kazakhstan are reviewed in the article. Based on study methods, stability of the local budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan is analyzed. Analysis of fiscal indicators is supplemented by proposed set of analytic coefficients.


Budgetary coefficients, Local budget, Republic of Kazakhstan, Methods to improve stability, Sustainability factors

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How to Cite

Issakhova, A., Issakhova, P. (2015) “Use of Budgetary Coefficients for Assessing the Sustainability of the Local Budget of Kazakhstan”, Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences, 23(1), pp. 51–59.


