Factors Contributing to Students’ Academic Success Based on the Students’ Opinion at BME Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences


  • Mónika Perger
    Budapest University of Technology and Economics Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
  • Ildikó Takács
    Budapest University of Technology and Economics Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences


This study presents the opinion of students of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at the BME concerning the factors, which contribute to students’ academic success. Academic success was defined by the successful completion of university studies. 478 students were consulted by online questionnaire. The factors were grouped into eight scales: practice-oriented education, student’s social relationship on campus, student’s study habits, supports for student’s learning in classroom, student’s attitude towards responsibilities in university, support by family and friends, conscious career choice and assistance provided by remedial courses. The opinions of the male and the female students varied across seven scales, with only the role of student’s social relationships on campus being judged similarly by both genders. Students studying for bachelor’s degrees judged the role of the student’s social relationships on campus to be more important. Students on different degree programmes held differing opinions in two scales.


academic success, degree completion, students of Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at BME, bachelor’s and master’s students

Citation data from Crossref and Scopus

Published Online


How to Cite

Perger, M., Takács, I. (2016) “Factors Contributing to Students’ Academic Success Based on the Students’ Opinion at BME Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences”, Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences, 24(2), pp. 119–135. https://doi.org/10.3311/PPso.8843


