Analysis of Gothic Architectural Details by Spatial Object Reconstruction Techniques
The paper focuses on the 3D data acquisition technologiesthat support capturing the geometry of medieval architecturalfragmented stones. High-resolution models of such fragmentsenable the analysis of profile shapes as well as the markinglines and curves left by the instruments of stonemasons, andtherefore, indirectly, identifying connections between severalmaster builders could become possible. Considering therequirements of historical analysis and the fact that the investigatedstones are under monument protection, the authorsdecided to use remote sensing technologies, such as structuredlight scanning, terrestrial laser scanning, depth camera andimage-based reconstruction.The paper evaluates the discussed technologies based on theaccuracy and geometric resolution of the obtained 3D models.Besides technical parameters, time and cost requirements alsohave been investigated. The paper gives an overview on theadvantages and shortcomings of the applied data acquisitiontechnologies and of the provided end-products.