A Mutual Technique for Reconfiguration of Feeder Network by Optimal Locating and Sizing of Distribution Generator
Common technique has been discussed in this paper for the reconfiguration of feeder network by optimal location and measuring of Distribution Generator (DG) in electrical power system. The consolidated execution of both Biography Based Optimization (BBO) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) strategies are the curiosity of the proposed strategy. The optimization techniques are utilized for optimizing the optimum location and DG capacity for radial distribution network. The BBO algorithm requires radial distribution network voltage, real and reactive power for deciding the optimum location and capacity of the DG. Here, the input parameters of BBO are classified into sub parameters and permitted as the PSO algorithm optimization process. The PSO develops the sub solution with the assistance of sub parameters by issue synthesis. For identifying the optimum location and capacity of DG the BBO movement and mutation process is applied for the sub solution of PSO. At that point the proposed mutual technique is actualized in the MATLAB/simulink platform and by contrasting it with the BBO and PSO systems the effectiveness is scrutinized. The comparison results demonstrate the predominance of the proposed approach and affirm its capability to comprehend the issue.