Approximation and Analysis of Single Band FIR Pass Integrator Centered around Mid-band Frequencies with Degree k = 1, 2, 3…
In this paper, a modified Finite Impulse Response based linear Pass integrator for centered frequency, ranging between 0.1 π to 0.9 π has been realized. Both the cases have been considered i.e. for what values the phase response is of use and where the phase response has zero value. An iterative formula has been used to calculate the weights depending upon the Transfer Functions, and applying differentiation method. A flat output approximation for the desired frequency ω has been applied for which the results overlap with the ideal integrator. Performance comparison of the proposed integrator has been done with the previous one and relative percentage errors have been observed for both cases implemented. Graphical analysis has also been carried out for frequency responses having degree greater than one (i.e. k = 2, 3, 4) for both cases of proposed integrator and compared with the ideal integrator's response.