High precision GPS positioning with multiple receivers using carrier phase technique and sensor fusion
This paper presents a carrier phase differential GPS technique for vehicle navigation. The orientation and position of the vehicle can reliably be calculated by the proposed solutions. The developed methods are aided by inertial and magnetic sensors. They are designed for dead reckoning and to handle phase slip. Therefore these solutions can be applied when the set of the available satellites changes frequently. Extended Kalman filters perform state estimation. The paper also presents the low-cost hardware/software architecture of the navigation system. The effectiveness of the methods have been proven in real car and flight tests.
differential GPS, carrier phase, state estimation, navigationPublished Online
How to Cite
Kis, L., Lantos, B. “High precision GPS positioning with multiple receivers using carrier phase technique and sensor fusion”, Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 57(3), pp. 83–97, 2013. https://doi.org/10.3311/PPee.2102