Extraction of the Global Maximum Power for PV System under PSC Using an Improved PSO Technique


  • Claude Bertin Nzoundja Fapi
    LS2N Laboratory, École Centrale de Nantes, Nantes University, 1 Rue de la Noë, 44321 Nantes, France IRIMAS Laboratory, University of Haute Alsace, 61 Albert Camus Road, 68093 Mulhouse, France
  • Hyacinthe Tchakounté
    LESIA Laboratory, ENSAI, University of Ngaoundéré, Ngaoundéré, P.O.B. 455, Cameroon LAMSEBP Laboratory, Faculty of Science, University of Yaoundé I, Yaoundé, P.O.B. 812, Cameroon
  • Martial Ndje
    Department of Electrical Engineering, Fotso Victor University Institute of Technology, University of Dschang, Bandjoun, P.O.B. 134, Cameroon
  • Patrice Wira
    IRIMAS Laboratory, University of Haute Alsace, 61 Albert Camus Road, 68093 Mulhouse, France
  • Martin Kamta
    LESIA Laboratory, ENSAI, University of Ngaoundéré, Ngaoundéré, P.O.B. 455, Cameroon


To get the most power out of photovoltaic (PV) panels, PV systems must utilize a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller. In partial shading conditions (PSC), the power-voltage (P-V) characteristic of the PV network may show a single global maximum power point (GMPP) and two or more local maximum power points (LMPP). This indicates that the PV cells and panels do not get uniform illumination. As they converge on the maximum power point (MPP) that makes contact first, which is often one of the LMPPs in this scenario, common MPPT approaches like incremental conductance (InC) and perturb and observe (P&O) are unable to distinguish between a GMPP and LMPPs. In this paper, the extraction of the GMPP of the PV system under PSC based on a suggested particle swarm optimization (PSO) approaches is presented. The particularity of the suggested approach is that it takes into account the calculation of the position of each particle as a function of the duty cycle and the global maximum power. Results on the performance of the suggested PSO method show an advantage over the conventional PSO and the commonly used traditional P&O method. The suggested PSO technique offer better performance in terms of global power extracted, ripple rate of the power and efficiency.


photovoltaic system, global maximum power point, partial shading conditions, particle swarm optimization

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How to Cite

Nzoundja Fapi, C. B., Tchakounté, H., Ndje , M., Wira, P., Kamta, M. “Extraction of the Global Maximum Power for PV System under PSC Using an Improved PSO Technique”, Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 68(1), pp. 64–73, 2024. https://doi.org/10.3311/PPee.22254


